Friday, 20 March 2015

Q7. Looking back at prelim video

Password - student

Garage 32b
location that was interesting and visually stunning

planning-we didnt plan very much, we had a script and pretty much got on with filming, the location wasnt really thought out, we found a room and asked to use it, we didnt research any other films or even create a storyboard. we didnt practice any shots to improve our camera skills. we didn't think about mise en scene, we just filmed in our college clothes and we didnt change our environment.
the lighting was just normal light and not very good in some shots. the lighting varied through different shots. For our editing we did actually plan our match cut shots, for example when my head was facing one way we cut it into the same way in the next scene, we also didnt break the 180 degree rule. the only sound we had was the dialogue from the characters but we only had the camera microphone. there were no titles.

for garage32b we did weeks of planning as you can see in our research & planning blogs
We planned everything from the font to the camera shots, however some things such as the location has to be changed on our first day of filming as it wasn't as busy when i visited the site compared to the filming day.
We also had a storyboard that i drew up so we had a better idea of shots to use, I also put together a schedule for us which we tried to stick to.

Overall i think Garage 32b was a HUGE improvement and I am proud of the skills I have learned throughout the last months.

comparing different shots and how camera skills have improved using SLIDESHARE:

The match cutting in our prelim was not very good but since my skills improved.

For example at 1:22 we see the girls arm down and in the next cut her arm is being brought up, this was executed well by myself in editing.

We also didn't break the 180 degree rule in Garage 32b when both characters were on screen, it was always clear which direction the characters were running toward.

Our framing improved a lot, all shots were straight and everything in the scene was clear, during production i had this in mind and i left room for error, for some scenes i cropped the image just slightly so it wouldn't affect quality.

There are also some things you wouldn't notice such as working independently, i wasn't told to do anything it was all choice & i think that is what makes the film ours. We picked up team-working skills and time management skills during this, we are in charge of our own blogs etc.

what i have personally valued from this journey:

I personally have gained experience with equipment such as high quality cameras and also with programs, i have used final cut briefly before but i am much more confident at editing now, i even gained experience on abstract shots such as the slow motion one, without weeks of planning i would have never thought of the idea. Most things were done while filming so it made editing much much easier.

I have also learnt how to blog and get my ideas across to an audience through blogging and social media
There are also some things you may not notice such as working independently, i wasn't told to do anything it was all choice & i think that is what makes the film ours. We picked up team-working skills and time management skills during this, we are in charge of our own blogs etc.

I got some feedback from some friends on whataspp, they are all part of our target audience range:

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