Thursday, 12 March 2015

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Representation is the portrayal of something, in this instance we will look at the representation of how the characters in Garage 32b were presented. Most social groups are represented in a steretypical way, these steretypes are usually formed by the media & society.

The social groups in our film include the young school girl and a young man/adolescent boy
The male character is seen wearing a hooded tracksuit with Air Max's. this is a stereotypical outfit for somebody who looks like they're up to no good - this is what we can see in films such as my brother the devil, Kidulthood & The Chase. It seems as though he supports this stereotype, however he could be saving what's in Garage 32b, but to the audience he looks like the bad character.

The other social group is the oppsite - a young female. She is dressed like a steretypical school girl; short tie, high skirt, make-up and bright trainers - again this is evident in films such as kidulthood where we got our inspiration.

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