Sunday, 8 March 2015

Evaluation question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products 
The Chase VS Garage 32B

(A clip from the independent film - The Chase)

Conventions are usually used to establish and differentiate the different factors that makes a particular genre what it is. My media product was a urban/action youth drama and usually you can tell this type of genre because of the lighting,music, camera shots and sound effects. Title sequences are used in order to engage the audience immediately - as well as introducing the protagonist and antagonist. Many films follow a strict title order and in particular - independent films title sequences are very different to high budget films.

Independent title sequence:
Ident ( a couple depending on how many sponsered the film)
production companies
Distribution Companies
Movie Title
Main Actor/actress
Other ( less know) actors
Casting by
Edited by

Our title sequence order

We developed and expanded on the conventions of the the genre we picked. At the very beginning of the film opening we used sound effects of heavy breathing followed by short snippets of running which were constantly being blocked out by the titles on a black screen. Also tense cinematic music is being played. From this, the audience can immediately gather thoughts and questions as to why the person is running. Also, the sound effects of the heavy breathing was used to create a dramatic impact  on the audience as it is a key sound they hear.

( a GIF made from a snippet of our final product)

With the music, we decided to choose
 1) a slow,tense cinematic sound track to build tension 
2) A much louder music with a base. 
In particular, we decided to develop on the idea that youth dramas and chase scenes have quite loud music with a base. This is we wanted to connote the adreneline rush of the main character  because loud music with lots of base adds and emphasises the panic and action taking place.

We also decided to challenge the convention of most action youth dramas being played by a male main character. Instead, we decided to use a female (myself) to take on the role and challenge the stereotypical male role. A female was used instead of a male because it adds a different perspective and view.

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