Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?


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we also have a website: http://asset92014.wix.com/candigroup39

 style of credits - urban font for the title
mise en scene - storyline set in london interesting to youth
actors - young people, just like our Target Audience
storyline - some young people may go through similar situations, may not necessarily be cimr
sub-genre- teen title, youth drama, aimed at youth as they can relate
location - set in a part of london the majority of londoners & non londoners have visited, they can also relate.
action - a boy chasing a girl, quesitons would arrise on why he is chasing her
sound - the soundtrack is a grime styled song which youth listen to this genre
film name - Garage 32b, people wondering what is in the garage (eveyrone who seen has asked)
Production - produced by young people similar to the target audience - accurate representation
distribution company - by a college widely known around london as it is londons leading SFC

16-21 is our target audience

Interview with Jibi, age 16 perfect for my target audience.
i asked him what aspects made him interested into my film:

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