Saturday, 7 March 2015

Evaluation of playing the Main Character

Reflection on playing a character 

In this blogpost I'm going to be talking about my successes of the role I took on and my experience of it all. Overall, I believe that I was successfully able to take on the role of the main character and express the themes and context that we planned.

At first I found it quite difficult to take on a role of a character which I have no relation to. Having to play a troubled girl who is involved in mysterious and criminal activities proved to be quite hard at first. I overcame this by doing a lot of research into the themes of teenagers who are invovled in criminal activities . I also watched an abundance of films where i saw many young actors and actresses take on the same role as myself and i was able to gather inspiration. I found that looking back at the clips meant that I was able to analyse and assess how well or bad I did in that scene.

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