Tuesday, 9 December 2014

3. What is a title sequence?

Title Sequence?

What is a title sequence?

Have you ever wonder what the start of film was called and why it was there?

Well, its called a title sequence this is a method to introduction the film to the audience usually to show their cast members and key production by utilizing visual imagery and sounds. Title sequences can give the audience plenty of information to set the type of genre through imagery and sound before the film has even begun. Sometimes the title sequence can create and excitement and tension so that the audience are attracted to the film before it has even started.

Title Sequence Order

In most films in this modern era usually have a certain order that all films follow but not all do the exact sequence they may leave out or add more features. However it is all dependent on budget so if the budget is low its more likely to have less whereas if its a high budget would have much more. Below is a example of a title sequence that lots of film makers follow by;

1. Name of studio
2. Name of production company
3. Producer/ directors name
4. Starring
5. Film title
6. Featuring
7. Cast 
8. Music/ music composed by
9. Executive producer 
10. Based on the book by -From a play/book by
11.Based on the characters
12. (screen) story / Story by
13.Written by

Examples of title sequences

This the famous film called "Catch Me If You Can" it was created in 2002 and was well known for its title sequence as it was a graphical type of animation title sequence that contrasted the writing font together with its setting of the animation and interaction with animated figures.

Another famous title sequence by a well known title sequence designer which is Saul Bass his graphical work in the film industry has made him big such as contribution to the type of typography used within this title sequence. He also worked in the previous title sequence "Catch Me If You Can".

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