Monday, 8 December 2014

3. What is a title sequence?

  1. A title sequence shows the audience a film or tv programmes title, key production and cast members whilst using conceptual visuals and sound. It also has to grab the audiences attention.

Title sequences also gives the audience an abundance of information and sets the atmosphere before the film has begun. When properly executed, a stylish title adds an immediate air of professionalism.

A common title sequence normally goes in the order of:
1. Name of studio
2. Name of production company
3. Producer/ directors name
4. Starring
5. Film title
6. Featuring
7. Cast 
8. Music/ music composed by
9. Executive producer 
10. Based on the book by -From a play/book by
11.Based on the characters
12. (screen) story / Story by
13.Written by

However, this is not always the case - some titles vary depending on the budget and whether it is a high end or low end film.

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